The Commodore PET had an interesting logilda.dll POST error – the screen would fill up with random characters, if it failed to past the test. Well, strictly, the screen filled up as part of the test and were cleared by another part. If the machine was starting to go wrong, you’d sometimes see those characters freeze for a bit before the system continued. ‘Syntax Error’ is a far-reaching message omitted from this list – I’ve seen it on many platforms. As a child, I probably learned the meaning of the word ‘syntax’ from it – I certainly remember not being sure what the error message meant in terms of English, but understanding what to do about it.
This is not an error message, more of a status message and my first “Easter Egg”. The Apple Personal Modem (1200 baud) would not only respond to an “AT” query with “OK” (per the Hayes set), you could also type in “ET” and it would reply with “Phone Home”.
The RPC shutdown (from the blaster worm; error 6) can be aborted, by the way, by typing ‘shutdown -a’ at the command prompt or in the windows run box. So, not really a blue/red/grey screen of death when you know how to deal with it. I think that the “Microsoft Workers In Hell” page that can be reached in certain versions of Excel from Line 666 deserves mention. It’s really more of a hidden Easter Egg than a bad error message, but it does get across that espirit-de-corps feeling of working there. IBM is very good about providing error numbers for every error, which helps make supporting their products much easier.
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For me, it means that 15 VMs or more just had the power cord yanked on them. Fortunately, like the MS BSoD these days, its rarity.
My favorite has always been "Something Happened" a rare but frustrating error message in Final Cut Pro. Don’t mean to nitpick but in the Lost in Space Error message you should have put the word gyndroid instead of android, unless of course she was what is referred to on the net as a Trap. The next was the BLANK Error that I got after mozilla, photoshop, task manager, and windows explorer crashed that came up and didn’t say anything but had the options of O.K. When I clicked on cancel I received my first ever BSoD.
- When Honeywell mainframes running the GCOS operating system crashed, the message affectionately known as “Pick 1” would be typed on the console.
- %FATAL-F-something, text – Fatal message is just a (F)atal error.
- When I was starting learning my first programming language (in QBASIC) I had my dot-matrix printer’s manual with code that would show off its features.
- One of my favorites was I had a motherboard years back that when the CMOS battery was dead started playing the Fleur de Lise from the PC speaker constantly.
- Later found out that one of the people that coded the BIOS had put it in as a joke and only one production run actually had the error.
- The operator could choose dumping an image of main memory to tape, disk, none, etc.
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And the rest of OS/2 (i.e. after boot) would always display the error description alongside the code number in whatever national language was active at the time. Probably the worst error screen these days is the VMware Purple Screen of Death.
Windows ErrorError Code #601Error MessageThe port handle is invalid.SolutionLook into the ‘More info’ section of your modem’s COM port. Windows ErrorError Code #71Error MessageNo more connections are allowed.SolutionCheck whether any other person has connected to your network or not.
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It was possible to get an Error Message of “Shut ‘er down Clancy, she’s a pumpin’ mud’ [an old Texas old field saying]. Not only could you get the message, it was even documented – apparently it had slipped by the proof reader. don’t have time to read all the (fun to read) errors already listed. Or (as was really the case) the error number out of range of the text messages in the error table.
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